Videos and podcasts by Dominique Rankin and Marie-Josée Tardif

Here are just a few examples of the rich teachings shared by Grandfather T8aminik and Marie-Josée in recent years. True sources of information and transmission, discover the Chemin Rouge podcast, the Kina8at organization, the Dominique Rankin Foundation, the teaching of animals and many other fascinating subjects through our videos and podcasts imbued with the ancestral wisdoms of indigenous cultures.


Dominique Rankin and Marie-Josée are the founders of the Kina8at-Ensemble organization and the Dominique Rankin Foundation, dedicated to the transmission of native cultures. Find out more about the intention behind these great projects :


Chemin Rouge is a podcast (in French) created by Dominique and Marie-Josée, as part of their collaboration with La Solution est Vous.
Listen to the various episodes here:

What animals teach us: a podcast (in French) from Bonheur Factory to coincide with the release of the “Animal Medicine” box set:

Interview (in French) with Joanie Lacroix of Pastel Fluo

Marie-Josée’s teachings (in English) on the benefits of fasting, as part of the Moose Hide Campaign movement in Canada.

Grand-father T8aminik on the role of man, according to the wisdom of his ancestors, as part of the Moose Hide Campaign movement in Canada.

Online articles :

Receiving treasures of wisdom through ancestral animal medicine…

The meeting of the Eagle, the Quetzal and the Condor.